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Showing posts from October, 2023

capitola on a peculiar saturday | DAY

10/21/23 DAY post So it's Saturday and I'm not home for the weekend. Let's run down what I did today, because it was quite a unique day.  - I wanna do a codeforces contest at 4 AM tomorrow  - Thus, I slept at 5 AM and woke up at 11 AM today, to kinda skew my sleep schedule or whatever  -  I went on like a bike ride and went to andres' room and went on omegle, thats how I killed the time to sleep at 5 AM  - So with the preface out of the way, let'st alk about today.  - SO 11 AM jackson's alarm woke me up, I was planning on waking up later but its whatever. He went home for the weekend.   - I drank a smoothie with strawberries, blueberries, and milk for breakfast. That stuff was pretty good tbh. I got a blender bottle and I have a code to the kitchen co-op so I use their blender to blend it, cuz the blender bottle cant blend strawberries cuz itsl iterally jsut a spring, it can only like mix soft things  - Then me, Raymon, Matthew, and Andres took an uber to Capito

Fairly eventful Tuesday | DAY

 Hi, its 10/17/2023, Tuesday, 11:38 PM. I've been on and off when it comes to writing the blog but like I have a bit of time right now so let's go. Today was pretty packed Woke up at 7:30, got ready, and ate an apple on the way to my 8 AM class. It's like a 2-3 minute walk, pretty nice At 9:35 AM class was over and I headed to the cafe to buy like a cookie cuz I was only running on like half an apple cuz the apple was kinda bad I threw away the other half of it. It's also a tradition for me and and usually Andres to tag along but he didn't come today, but anyway its a tradition for us to go to the cafe after class and just like buy something. I chilled in the cafe until 10:15, I was just watching youtube lmao I figured I had no time to start writing my essay or whatever or do homework Then I went to office hours for my core class at 10:20 which was in Social Sciences 1 nearby, and I basically just asked her about extra credit (which she gave me finally after she gho