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Fairly eventful Tuesday | DAY

 Hi, its 10/17/2023, Tuesday, 11:38 PM. I've been on and off when it comes to writing the blog but like I have a bit of time right now so let's go. Today was pretty packed

  • Woke up at 7:30, got ready, and ate an apple on the way to my 8 AM class. It's like a 2-3 minute walk, pretty nice
  • At 9:35 AM class was over and I headed to the cafe to buy like a cookie cuz I was only running on like half an apple cuz the apple was kinda bad I threw away the other half of it. It's also a tradition for me and and usually Andres to tag along but he didn't come today, but anyway its a tradition for us to go to the cafe after class and just like buy something.
  • I chilled in the cafe until 10:15, I was just watching youtube lmao I figured I had no time to start writing my essay or whatever or do homework
  • Then I went to office hours for my core class at 10:20 which was in Social Sciences 1 nearby, and I basically just asked her about extra credit (which she gave me finally after she ghosted my email) and I asked her about prison reform and tbh that stuff is lowkey kinda interesting. My professor for my core class is like big into prison reform and giving prisoners a platform, cuz usually journalists aren't allowed to like interview them inside the prison or whatever and its its very hard for them to do so, its a complicated process, so they don't get much media representation, voice, or whatever. And it's actually like really interesting to hear about life in prison when you give them a voice, about like all the stuff they do like tattoos, cooking from limited ingredients, etc. And that like most prisoners acknowledge that they deserve to be in prison or whatever
  • So anyway I was in office hours for like 20 min or wahtever, we are required to go to office hours once during the class so I figured to knock it out early cuz later on there it might be packed and harrd to get a time slot. 
  • After that I left and essentially went back to my dorm to work on my essay. We have two essays a week, one due on Tuesday at 8 AM before class, and the other due on Thursday at 8 AM. I like to schedule a tutoring session on Tuesday at 2:10 PM so that I'm motivated to do the essay due on Thursday, and I don't procrastinate it. It's a really good system cuz you legit can't dip a tutoring system and you are like physically forced to complete at least a rough draft of the essay by 2:10 PM. So even with that pressure, I still lowkey watched youtube and procrastinated, but I started doing it at around like 12 PM. Then I got into the workflow, I started like getting writers block and somehow it took like 90 minutes or wahtever and at that point I was just like "yea imma skip lunch." I was originally planning on going to the dining hall at like 1:45 directly before I head to tutoring, but like I sitll had a lot left of the essay to complete and so I just had a nature valley bar and corn nuts for lunch. You can see the photo I took in the photo album.
  • So then I headed to tutoring session, and it's actually very interesting how well I vibe with my tutor because like when I wouldn't expect myselfl to. My tutor is like some like girl, i can't even tell her gender, she says shes like nonconform gender i dont even remmebr what she said, she said some random term about her gender but like I think shes a girl or somethign. And she has like ADHD and takes meds and like chews gum cuz her mouth gets dry or something and like just my impression of her wouldn't be someone I y'know, talk to on a normal basis. But like she actually gives REALLY solid advice. The tutor I had last week was pretty good and would be someone I would assume be a better fit, but like she didnt rly know what she was talking about. My tutor today like genuinely gave good advice and like somehow that hour flew by. I can't really describe it, but just like talking to her is just as natural as normal and like I asked her a ton of stuff about like life too and talked about adhd and stuff, so like yeah thats cool ig
  • After tutoring, I had like 2 hours left before my online CSE 30 class so I walked to the music building and had MORE great conversations. There were some students waiting outside some class for their professor and I just like talked to them cuz I heard one of them say they were a french horn player, and they talked about the wind ensemble and orchestra here, and like just talked about music here at UCSC. It was some rly good stuff, they like told me that i could check out the wind symphony tomorrow at like 7 cuz thats when they rehearse and stuff.
  • In general the whole music like area of the school is really big. And the architecture is quite unique, it's like some concrete rectangles just inserted on the campus. It's like a neat version of Pompeii, when I visited there lol.
  • SO yea I took a ton of photos of the music stuff, there were also a ton of cool flyers and stuff, and I talked to like some ppl in the office about how drum lessons work and like I'll look into it cuz the money doesn't seem too bad. I forgot how much it is, but its like 400 per quarter PRESUMABLY, I think, I forgot tho it might be less it might be more im just too lazy to like go back on the google form and website to check right now.
  • And yea this was just a big part of campus that I've never visited before because I usually don't go to west side of campus, the tutoring place (Academic Student Center), and McHenry Library is the farthest West I go. It was a really nice just like walking around everywhere. 
  • I will probably NOT join the wind symphony even tho the kids I talked to said that they needed horns. Every orchestra needs horns lmao hahaha, but like idk i just dont wanna go through all those complications, and then practicing again, and then its a big time commitment, and its jsut one more thing in my life I have to worry about. Sure, I can meet new people in the wind symphony, and playing horn and not forgetting about it is cool, but I think it's best for me to just leave it.
  • Then I walked to McHenry library nearby, its my favorite library and I go there like almost every afternoon. Pretty much every afternoon. I took my CSE 30 class at 5:20 PM and the guy was yapping about recursion, i started to fall asleep, so i booted up geoguessr on the monitor and played some nice duels. I memorized all the phone codes in canada, and when I saw 403 in a canada round I was SO HAPPY because I knew instantly that it was South Alberta, but like the scenery didn't look like Alberta at all because of how desolate and dry it was, but I knew that it lowkey like had to be because of the single yellow road line and most of all the license plates. The license plates def looked alberta, and it didnt look like Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, which I was thinking it would be. With that in mind I sent lower Alberta as that's like what it had to be. 
  • Replay is here:
  • Go to round 10. WHOOOOOO, THAT PHONE CODE IS SOOO FIRE, that felt so good when like the stuff you learned actually is applied
  • SO yeah, geoguessr. while listening to cse 30 on the side is fire.
  • After class, it was 6:55 and I packed my bag and walked over to Stephenson College, 10 minute walk, for open mic. Signups start at 7 PM. I asked them if they had any other tables because they only had like metal outdoor lunch tables or whatever nearby and like I could tell it wouldn't really work so yea I didn't pentap. I left. It was kinda sad because i was kinda excited, but like they do that every week and maybe one day I can find like a portable table to bring over or something. Idk, either way there werent many ppl in that event and like I was pretty hungry cuz I didnt eat lunch.
  • So then I went back to the dorm, I was planning on going to the gym at this point cuz it was like 8 PM and I didn't have much to do and the line for the dining hall was long. But I checked on the gym website and it said they were using the basketball courts for badminton club so welp. The weights are definitely very busy and packed, so I just stayed in my dorm and cubed and stuff.
  • Then me raymon and austin got dinner, I took a photo of it, youll see it in the album. It was pretty bad today. The only good thing was that pizza which had pesto on it.
  • And taht's like all. I talked to floormates, cubed, took a shower, and like here I am writing the blog.
  • It's 12:03 AM, so it literally took me 15 minutes to write this. That's honeslty crazy like how time consuming writing is. Wow. Could've easily been 20 minutes too lol maybe idk
  • Its jsut like writers block, thats how it works, time passes by and stuff idk. Alright i legit need to sleep bye, I think I will do another day diary tomorrow on Wednesday because I have a lot of activities tomorrow too. 
a DAY diary


  1. You are so busy,I like your school life, it's fun,you make the life fun. I will prepare a portable table for you. Thank you for your detailed writing. I also know you are a multi task person.🌞🤫🤔


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