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China 2024 9/6 - 9/7

 Today I woke up at lao yi jia at like 10 AM, ate a yue bin, did some work, then ate lunch at lao yi jia, she cooked xiar bin and i ate 4 of them. Then we rested a bit then went out together to 2lj jia where they cooked us a meal at like 4 pm for our "dinner" before we leave for our flight which was at 9 PM. It was good, then we went to lao lao jia and got ready, then 5jj picked us up and we talked to you you who was in the car. They dropped us off cuz theres no parking and we said our goodbyes :( then we met up with dad and gu gu and yang guan who were at the airport. THen soon after 6jj came with 2lj, 2ljg, guo guo, and fei fei, which was FIRE because i love guo guo and i got to play rubiks cube with him and it was so good spending those last moments with them. We talked and played for like 30 min i would say? Also 4jj came back from his work trip and met us at the airport too which was great. Then we took our flight and landed at like 12 AM or something, where we stayed in
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China 2024 9/5

 Today i woke up at da yi jia, my mom and dad went out to hua xiang mai to eat while i kept sleeping AND THEY TOOK AN HOUR TO EAT BREAKFAST SO I WAS IN A BAD MOOD CUZ THEY TOOK MY PHONE TO USE AS A HOTSPOT SO WHEN I WOKE UP I HAD NOTHING TO DO I WAS LITERALLY JUST CLEANING THE HOUSE I DIDNT EVEN HAVE MY RUBIKS CUBE jk i can live without my phone anyway then we split up, dad went to gu gu jia to spend time with her while me and mom went to lao ye jia, we talked for a while then dipped to lao yi jia where us three ate lunch together, you za gao and hui cai. After lunch my mom left to go to lao lao jia, then the rest of the afternoon was just me on my computer, me and lao yi went out twice, one time to go to 4jj jia to ask the shi fu for stuff, then the second time was to buy cong from the market nearby. Thena t like 6 pm or something we headed out to hua xiang mai where i ate 3 bao zi, a fried chicken leg, some egg zhou, and an egg tart, it was GAS it was rly good. I was super full.  [to

China 2024 9/4

Today i woke up in da yi jia at like 930 AM. THen i ate breakfast down stairs for 5 rmb which is less than a usd i just bought a bread thing and a you tiao MAN IMMA MISS THIS ECONOMY that would go for like 4$ plus tip plus tax plus shipping fees if u bought that in america anyway after that we went to gugu jia where we spent some time with nai nai this was the last day before we song her back to yang lao yuan. Imma skip past lunch cuz stuff happened but anyway i dipped after lunch with my mom and spent some time walking around in this park that my mom used to go to when she was young. It was also raining like crazy and there were tons of puddles everywhere. The park itself was cool my mom told me some stories and also that in june there would be frogs here everywhere which im sad i missed out on cuz i love frogs. Then at 3 pm my mom and one of her high school tong xue jian mian le and it was the same fat tong xue that we met at apple bees some years back.  [todo photos of the food] It

China 2024 9/2

 Today I woke up in lao yi jia and ate breakfast (yue bin and milk) it was good. Then we rested a bit then lao yi took me to the guang chang nearby and after a lot of zheng'ing and stuff like holy cow lao yi was literally making me buy a jacket but anyway i bought this black jacket for like 299 rmb bruh its actually not bad, i had to make sure that its actually something good and not just buying it just to buy it. Then we ate lunch where i ate like 4 you bier and a tomato and rou soup thing AND BOY MAN I WAS SO FULL LIKE AFTER I ATE THAT 4TH YOU BIER I FELT AN INSANE LEVEL OF GUILT AND REGRET LIKE I FELT INSANELY FULL. You dont understand like i was like telling myself in my head youre so fat and stuff and i felt so horrible like holy cow i ate way too much and im like aint no way im eating dinner. Lmao then in the afternoon while lao yi was sleeping i lied down a bit then did a lot of edm listening and blog updating and stuff, then lao yi told me to go out for a walk nearby and i

China 2024 9/3

gu gu jia + dinner at 3ljg jia Today I woke up at lao yi jia at 8:58 AM and it was raining i think or it started raining shortly after i woke up but me lao yi and mom went out to eat breakfast, me and mom wanted to go to hua mai xiang cuz its faster and bro we dont eat shao mai for breakfast but lao yi told us that it was that way and she basically fooled us into forcing our way to eat shao mai, i remember when mom realized that lao yi led us to the shao mai place she was like "YI YI!!!!" We ordered 16 shao mai and mom didnt eat any cuz she already ate some breakfast before i woke up and this time lao yi ate 6 instead of 8 so I ATE 10 SHAO MAI FOR BREAKFAST DUDE I WAS LIKE OH NAH I CANT EAT LUNCH ANYMORE. After that me and mom took a cab to lao lao jia where we rested for a sec and took care of returning some clothes or stuff and then we took another cab to gu gu jia where we spent time with nai nai and ate lunch. Nai nai is 'chi dai' and its pretty sad, this conditio

China 2024 9/1

 Today is September and its actually hitting only like 5 days left which is kinda sad :(  today we woke up at around like 8 AM in da yi house, mom and dad took a shower for some reason cuz it feels good but anyway we went down and ate breakfast i got a zi m qiu and a you tiao and they got zhou and hong shu and corn and stuff. Then we waited outside and gu gu picked us up and we were off to pick up nai nai. Its like a 20-30 min drive on the high way out west and we got to her yang lao yuan and it was a nice spot there were so many old people and people waiting to eat and stuff and yea we took an elevator and all the rooms were like hotel rooms and they are relatively nice and spacious, everyone here is in a wheelchair and stuff and we met nai nai here. [todo photo] she didnt recognize me or dong even tho dong didnt change much i think nai nai is just very old, but once we said "hei mei dou" she started smiling and getting it but still later she forgot and stuff my dad talked t

China 2024 8/30

 What a super duper long day this night we picked up my dad dong. 2 weeks have officially past and we have 1 week left which is so sad, this last week is prob gonna be very hectic and there will prob be days where i hvae to delay blog posts and stuff. I started off waking up at 8 AM in lao yi jia, i ate breakfast at hua xiang place i ate a xiar bin, you tiao and a pear juice thing. Lao yi also ate a su xiar bin, and a zhou. Then we took a cab to lao lao jia where we met up with mom and didnt spend long there. Me and mom soon left and took the bus to lao ye jia where we talked for a while in the park and the mongolian guy that sings was there again hes there every day just like lao ye and lao ye has friends at the park but anyway the mongolian guy sang another 2 songs and it was super good he started attracting a small crowd too.  Then me and mom took a cab to this huge guang chang mall where we met up with yi he cuz its yi he's birthday and before we get into that we need to take a