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China 2024 9/1

 Today is September and its actually hitting only like 5 days left which is kinda sad :( 

today we woke up at around like 8 AM in da yi house, mom and dad took a shower for some reason cuz it feels good but anyway we went down and ate breakfast i got a zi m qiu and a you tiao and they got zhou and hong shu and corn and stuff. Then we waited outside and gu gu picked us up and we were off to pick up nai nai. Its like a 20-30 min drive on the high way out west and we got to her yang lao yuan and it was a nice spot there were so many old people and people waiting to eat and stuff and yea we took an elevator and all the rooms were like hotel rooms and they are relatively nice and spacious, everyone here is in a wheelchair and stuff and we met nai nai here.

[todo photo]

she didnt recognize me or dong even tho dong didnt change much i think nai nai is just very old, but once we said "hei mei dou" she started smiling and getting it but still later she forgot and stuff my dad talked to nai nai a lot while we were there and we signed some paperwork or somethign and we were off where we wheeled nai nai to the car and got her in and now were off to drive to gu gus house to meet yang guan and stay nai nai. Dad had to bei her piggy back while me and yang guan lifted her legs and she mad it to the third floor. Her condition is quite intense she cant eat by herself and she really cant walk much only super small distances and she doesnt remember much at this point but she can talk and understand people and stuff but she cant put on her shoes or get up by herself or get on the bed by herself and go to the bathroom she needs a diaper and etc. Shortly after dong went to ju hui and me and mom and yang guan went to the nearby shao mai restaurant where we ordered 20 jian shao mai it was really good, we also ordered 16 to bring back home for gu gu to eat and to feed nai nai. Nai nai ate and then we put her to a bed where she goes to take a nap and shortly after that me and mom left where we took a cab to lao yi jia where mom dropped me off at 4jj jia where i met up with qiqi and 4jjg and 4jj and they ate lunch and qi qi played tiao qi board game and showed me some puzzles for a while. Then we were off where we met up with lao yi and me, 4jj, qi qi, and lao yi drove to pick up dou sha where shes at her jiu jiu jia and us 5 went to wanda because last time wasnt satisfactory enough for 4jj haha i was like we literally played very well last time and 4jj was like "you guys only got to do the prize machine for like 30 minutes".  Anyway we did the prize machines for a while i dont even know how long we all caught a lot of stuff i remember dou sha was trying to catch this pink bag strawberry bear bag thing and i noticed she gave up after a while so i KNEW THIS WAS MY MOMENT TO SHINE so i went there and started sweating and i finally caught it for her she was really happy.  I also caught another bag, a cat thing, a small bear-shaped towel thing, a small car thing, i think thats all. Lao yi and 4jj was just sitting there watching us occasionally and stuff I remember lao yi would get mad at me cuz shes like "STOP STAYING IN THAT MACHINE ITS VERY CLEAR THE CLAW CANT CATCH IT" and i kept going and shes like "YOURE PUTTING ALL YOUR COINS IN THIS MACHINE YOURE WASTING UR COINS" then i FINALLY got it and proved her wrong.

Then we went to eat dinner it was really good like always, really fun times, lao yi barely ate any cuz she kept complaining that she ate too much watermelon before coming here it was so funny lmao the way she was talking about it.

Then we walked around a bit then went to the car and on the way back we stopped by xiao fan zuo to drop off a blanket for qi qi, xiao fan zuo is basically a mini-daycare for students to eat lunch and take a nap during 12 pm - 2pm break from school. School here is like 7:20 - 12 PM, then 2 PM - 6:30 PM and some schools they get off even later its crazy how hard they work. Some people come to xiao fan zuo after to do homework and sleep there, some people literally live there and only get to go home in the weekends and mind you these ARE MIDDLESCHOOLERS. I could talk more but i needa sleep, so yea it was cool checking that out, qi qi and dou sha have school tomorrow so its kinda sad that feeling sucks its such a unique feeling i coudl go on a rant descrbing that feeling and talking about it and stuff lmao but i legit need to sleep so yea we went back to lao yi jia and here i am writing this and rushing this and good night. Ihaven't finished my 8/31 diary entry so ill make sure to finish that after i shower or something idk but for now i finished 9/1 so thats something ok bye


a DAY diary



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