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China 2024 8/30

 What a super duper long day this night we picked up my dad dong. 2 weeks have officially past and we have 1 week left which is so sad, this last week is prob gonna be very hectic and there will prob be days where i hvae to delay blog posts and stuff.

I started off waking up at 8 AM in lao yi jia, i ate breakfast at hua xiang place i ate a xiar bin, you tiao and a pear juice thing. Lao yi also ate a su xiar bin, and a zhou. Then we took a cab to lao lao jia where we met up with mom and didnt spend long there. Me and mom soon left and took the bus to lao ye jia where we talked for a while in the park and the mongolian guy that sings was there again hes there every day just like lao ye and lao ye has friends at the park but anyway the mongolian guy sang another 2 songs and it was super good he started attracting a small crowd too. 

Then me and mom took a cab to this huge guang chang mall where we met up with yi he cuz its yi he's birthday and before we get into that we need to take a second to talk about how THERE ARE LIKE HUGE GIGANTIC MALLS EVERYWHERE IN THIS CITY. Literally I've been to 10+ huge insane 6+ story malls so far, like i thought all there was was moer cheng and wanda and maybe like 2 more but dude this area we went to there was at least like 5 huge malls. One of them had a lot of like small toys and games and stuff but other than that theyre all the same formula its like actually crazy theres just so many ppl in this city i guess and a lot of ppl here have money to spend ig. 

Anyway mom and yi he talked for a while while I explored the mall cuz yi he doesnt like exploring the mall and we ditnt want to eat lunch yet cuz i was full but anyway the mall was pretty bad like everything was either super expensive or just not good. Like the jackets I was asking they would say it cost 300+ rmb i didnt even wanna give them any side eye i just dipped after they said that.

So after taht we ate juan bin and it was SOOO GOOD idk why i like juan bin so much but i like it so much we put yu xiang rou si and dou ya and cucumber and jiang and stuff i ate way too much

[todo photo]

after that we explored a bit of another mall that connected to this mall like dude theres just so many malls and stuff but anyway after that we took a bus to 2lj jia where i found him playing chess on the street again like he does like 3x a day bro THIS GUY WAS OUT AT LIKE 2 PM THESE PPL ARE LITERALLY ADDICTED ITS ACTUALLY CRAZY AND THEY PLAY UNTIL LIKE 5PM OR 6PM OR SOMETHING AND THEN THEY GO OUT AGAIN AFTER DINNER OR SOMETHING anyway 2lj brought me back to his house where dou sha was also there and we played chinese xiang qi and HE WAS CLAPPING CHEEKS HOLY COW HES ON ANOTHER LEVEL he was literally telling me "oh dont go here cuz then ill literally checkmate u in like 8 moves" or like "if you go here ill do this crazy attack where you lose ur che" and im just like omg so like literally we were just playing games that were super high level and him teaching me stuff about positioning and stuff and like i was using so much brian power it was kinda boring cuz like it felt like an endless tie the way we were playing but anyway we played like 3 matches, dou sha watched a couple and was just playing in her mickey mouse car and stuff and i ate a ton of small apples. Then we ate dinner there i had jiao zi and pai gu and it was really good, dou sha also ate with me she is so cute. 

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Then 4jj came and dropped off my mom at lao yi jia and then me and dou sha went to 4jj house where 4jj and qi qi speedran dinner it was like 8 pm at this time and then after they speedran dinner and stuff me, dou sha, qi qi, and 4jj went to wanda, they close at like 10 pm. We first did the gokart thing in the arcade and it was fun, then we went to the arcade itself and he gave dou sha 200 coins and i thought that was our coins combined BUT HE GOT ANOTHER BASKET AND I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH HE GAVE ME because i remember when i finished there were still a crazy amount of coins left ill estimate maybe like 500 coins or something idk. Us three kids were just doing the claw machines and various stuff, I ended up catching a stuffed corn animal in a small machine and then in the big machine i caught a fuzzy white bunny zipper bag thing and also a gray cat. The gray cat was SUPER clutch because it was like 9:40 during this and 4jj was watching me and we needed to leave cuz the arcade closes at 9:30 and i was spamming coins and just somehow miraculously i wasnt even looking i was putting more coins in the machine I CAUGHT THE CAT and then 4jj didnt even care he was prob super relieved LOL and was just like "AIGHT LETS DIP NOW" and i had so many coins left i think u can redeem them back for money or something i was a bit scared but i think its fine. I was spamming so much, dou sha and qi qi won some small things too, oh yea i forgot i also caught a towel lmao and i gave it to dou sha. So i caught 4 things, i guess i wasnt too lucky that day, cuz i lowkey one-up'd myself this time. Prize claw machines are fun bruh, tbh, its like gambling lmao.

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Then after that it 4jj wanted to buy me some clothes like it was pretty crazy i felt bad like the mall was gonna close soon and like we were just rushing to different stores and like he just basically had to buy me something because he loves me and its like chinese culture lmao we literally went inside this adidas store and like nothing there was good and i told him like i can find somethign i like i dont wanna rush this we can do this another day then we went to a nike store and ti was the same process like its just not worth buying cuz i wont wear this stuff that much, then he lowkey started panicking and WENT INSIDE THIS PUFFER JACKET STORE AND LIKE THE PRICES WERE IN THE THOUSANDS OF RMB AND IM LIKE AW HELL NO AND LIKE HE WAS ASKING ME TO TRY IT ON AND IM LIKE PLEASE BRO PLEASE THIS THING IS SO THICK ITS LIKE SOMETHING IMMA WEAR WHEN I GO SKIING IM LIKE HOLY COW. 4jj leaves for some work thing on Tuesday so like hes not sure if well have time some other day cuz my schedule is packed like crazy after my dad comes and stuff so like yea we left the mall. And then on the walk back hes like "oh this is hua wei" and just takes me to hua wei and im like "HUH" i remember looking at him in like genuine shock like TF AM I GONNA BUY AT HUA WEI LMAO IS THIS GUY GONNA TRY TO BUY ME AN HUA WEI IPAD BRUH WTF CAN U BUY THERE then there were these earbuds and im like wait 4JJ IS COOKING OMG my earbuds rn are very old i mean they still work and stuff even tho they randomly shut down and i have to factory reset them sometimes but its just that the sound quality is super bad like its definitely noticeable i got it for 40$ and like i never wanted to get a new pair of earbuds cuz my current ones are fine as it is i take them to the gym and stuff and use my headphones in college but i mean LIKE i think this is great so i look into it and we spend some time in there, the store was literally about to close when walked in too lmao i went on reddit and amazon and like its actually 160$ on amazon and it was only 849 rmb here in china which dont get me wrong is a lot of money like i felt bad and there was a 599 rmb budget earphones i tried them and the sound quality was comparably bad. Like good sound quality cost money and like this guy 4jj was trying to buy me a nike tech hoodie earlier and i was like "wo bu man yi zhen de" and it was literally so expensive THAT NIKE TECH HOODIE WAS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN THESE EARBUDS LIKE wow and we literally just ended up buying earbuds for me which was so good like 4jj prob is so relieved to buy that for me and its so much money like wow when i was little he literally bought me a remote control helicopter i think i mentioned that in yesterdays diary.

So just like that i literally thought going into hua wei was so random but literally these earbuds ARE FIRE and 4jj was also like really wanting to buy my sister one and im just like BRO PLEASE DONT MY SISTER DOES NOT NEED EARBUDS SHE DOESNT NEED ANYTHING TO BE HONEST SHE DOESNT DESERVE ANYTHING LETS BE REAL HERE i told him taht she might come to china next year and stuff bro he was trynna buy her one too im like omg bruh. Anyway idk what else i have to say about this its literally 2 am i have eto wrap up this post soon so imma move on so we drove back to 4jj jia, i sat there for a sec and we dropped off dou sha and some stuff and then we met up with mom who was at lao yi jia yapping during the whole wanda saga and we drove to the airport to pick up my dad. His flight landed like at 11;50 PM which was earlier than expected. Gugu and yang guan didnt come cuz they thought the flight would land at 12:30 AM and they are just like lazy kinda ppl in general like its hard to describe i dont have time to describe that but anyway DAD LANDED i remember the first thing he said to me was like "ai ni kun le ba" or something lol and he also recognized qi qi. THen us 5 drove and dropped of my dad at gu gu jia where he saw yang guan outside which was kinda wholesome and then 4jj dropped me and mom off at da yi's empty apartment where i sit here after showering writing this super long blog post. I'm also listening to "Love Like Us" by Last Heroes ft. RUNN on these huawei earbuds 5 like its crazy we bought this like holy its so random its such a good investment but anyway i dont have anymore time to yap and say this stuff imma sleep its literally 2:21 am and i have to wake up at like 8 AM tomorrow to go to like 20 different places and stuff like holy cow ok bye


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