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ACTUAL downtown santa cruz | Day 4 college | DAY

hi this is day 4, its 12:58 AM

  • woke up at 8, went to teh gym to play basketball, no one was there
  • after the gym, i went to this info meeting about research at 10 am
  • after the lecture thing which lasted about an hour, i took a bus down to UCSC TAPS, transportation services to figure out the ebike stuff cuz i filled out the ebike form with my personal email instead of my ucsc email and they wont reply to my requests now. Got it all figured out which was cool
  • tried out the ebike, which is apparently just "electric assist" so its not even that good to uphill. Plus, for my first impressions, all of the bikes at the dock were on low battery. Hopefully this is just like a fluke or whatever tho
  • Then i went to the dininghall with a couple of floormates. food was alright, they had these raspberry gradola bars that were rly good
  • Then i was in my dorm for like 2 hours just cubing. Byt htis time it was 4, so me and raymon decided to just take a bus and see where it takes us. The others were at some kpop event that we didnt wanna go to cuz it was too far away. We ended up like scouting out a mall area in downtown santa cruz. This was when we reached like just the general downtown area which is honestly pretty sick. It reminds me a lot of livermore downtown, its pretty lively and way less dead than what I apparently went to yesterday, that i called "downtown." This was the real "downtown"
  • but yea anyway we did that until like 6:30 or something i dont remember, we went back to the dining hall to eat dinner where we acutally saw arian
  • after dinner, we went back to the dorm for a while, then 6 of us floormates decided to go on a walk under a bridge. The gate was like closed or whatever so we couldnt, so we decided intsead to walk towards east field. Keep in mind it was like super dark, it was like 10 pm or something and it was just nice, we walked past the east field onto a street and saw a nice viewpoint
  • Then on our way back, there was a huge group of students just standing aruond the east field. We thought they were doing weed but it was just a wholesome like social gathering thing. Apparently theres some stephenson(a college group affiliate) group chat and everyone decided to meet up there. We decided to make some friends in that thing and just talk about stuff. It's honestly kinda wholesome to see an event with this capacity of people with just the sole objective of like talkinga nd meeting new ppl. It's rly wholesome lol
  • We were there for like 40 minutes or somethign just talking to ppl but yea 
  • anyway then we headed back, an along the way we saw lucas(one of our floormates) hanging out in the lounge with one of his friends and we popped in and played some cards. The lounge also had a piano and I played on it but then it was quiet hours so a like officer came in and told me to stop very kindly. Anyway we played like egyptian war and spoons and stuff and it was pretty fun
  • Yea then after that we headed back, i took a shower, we were NOT planning on getting back this late, but man i guess that random socializing spontaneous event and that lounge thing is just part of like the college experience or whatever
  • but anyway yea before i wrap things up i SOMEHOW CANT FIND MY PIXEL BUDS and i am VERY ANNOYED. I SWEAR ON MY LIFE I DIDNT BRING IT TO THE HIKE OR WAHTEVER. I swear i left it in my room, but its legit not on my desk or anywhere. I'll have to properly find it tomorrow ig, ill take a bike back to our viewpoint because i sat on a bench and it mightve fallen out of my pocket there. but my wallet didn't fall out which is good i guess? but like man ive had these earbuds for so long i DO NOT WANT TO LOSE IT especailly this early in. My only backups are like wired ones and i dont wanna deal with that especially at the gym. man i BETTER FIND IT TOMORROW PLEASE MAN PELASE JUST BE ON THE FLOOR SOMEWHERE BRUH I LEGIT THOUGHT ABOUT IT FOR LIKE 20 MINUTES JUST SITTING HERE PONDERING IF I BROUGHT IT WITH ME OR LEFT IT AT THE DORM AND I LEGIT DONT KNOW 

a DAY diary


  1. Livermore? You always find something similar. I love your writing and photos. Thank you


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