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cornucopia + boardwalk frolic! | Day 5 of college | DAY

hi its 1 AM again somehow

  • woke up late at 9 am today, no gym
  • went to a math undergrad welcome party at 10 am where they gave like free waffles and stuff. It was really fun cuz everyone ive met so far is like biomed or like cs or something, i havent seen like any math majors. 
  • At this event there was like 20 of us around, it was rly cool. However NO ONE there was a Math Theory and Computation major which was what my major was. In the beginning the math department director or whatever talked about it and said that this new major was hype or something abd basically kinda gassed it up and said that a lot of ppl are gonna want to declare this major in the future or something i dont rly quite remember what he said cuz i was also late to the thing too but like ppl were saying that its cool taht i got admitted to that major
  • also the food there was pretty good too. there were waffles and bagels and cookies and everything, i stashed a yogurt and spoon to take home lol
  • Then I went back to the dorm and actually walked back with a friend i made during that meetup, he was a math + econ major or something that was also in JRL, the college section area im located in
  • Anyway then I ate lunch with arian which was alright today esp since they were serving popcorn chicken and this lemon cilantro rice that wasnt bad 

  • I chilled in the dorm, then got out and used the ebikes to look for my earbuds, i went to a lot of places, and didnt find it. I didn't have much hope either. im sad, my parents are definitely mad, they are going to read this and be mad. i always lose things somehow
  • but anyway the ebikes are actually not bad. when i was picking it back up one time, i forgot to turn on the ebike and the pedal assist was on and it was so hard to pedal and gain momentum. And if you put it on the right setting, its actually quite easy to go uphill, so honestly i dont have many complaints with the ebike. The lock system is also very good, i used it a couple of times when i went to get off the bike briefly
  • Anyway then I ate lunch which was alright today esp since they were serving popcorn chicken and this lemon cilantro rice that wasnt bad
  • then i think i chilled for a while, then the rest of the day was pretty long
  • at 3 pm we headed to cornucopia. This super big event at UCSC, and it was definitely very big like they hyped it up to be. It was on the big east field and there were like 300+ club booths or something. I pretty much visited all the booths, and there were some highlights, like the republican club which was kind of funny to see, like how out of the place they lowkey seemed. Also there was an ARMENIAN club which was so random, like armenia is such a random country how is there a club for them, everyone there was armenian lol. 
  • I got a TON of free stuff, like tons of stickers, magnets, pens, candy, sunglasses, flyers, etc. I got some electrolyte packets from the bike club, along with chain lube. At the firefighter booth, i got a free flashlight and free glowsticks. 
  • I remember scouting at cornucopia earlier on the website and saw the competitive programming club. So I made sure to look out for them and I did. I talked to them and said i have lots of experience in cp and like im expert on cf maxed and they were basically lowkey sounding kinda desperate LOL. They explained that theyw ere 1 place away from making the national ICPC last year and that theyre looking for people like me. One of the kids was 2200 rating on cf which is RLY GOOD, but he said that im the second best in the school. So that was really exciting for me, dude if i can be on like the UCSC icpc team that will be so cool, jsut the experience itself will be so cool. Also helped like boost my ego with what they were saying lol, but anyway im pretty motivated to start grinding again even though like idk, solving problems never hit the same anymore still, but yea i do hold lots of impact on icpc or hopefully but yea. Anyway other than that there were a bunch of sweaty robotics clubs and AI clubs that i joined the discord servers 
  • Anyway dinner at cornucopia was alright too. The line was insane, you'll never understand how long that line was. But aryan had a spot so I got pretty lucky. The dinner itself was pretty good, it was my first time having soda in a while and that stuff tasteS TRASH. My stomach lowkey started feeling weird after drinking sprite, which ive never experienced before. Idk man soda is just straight up sugar that stuff is nasty im taking water over soda ANYDAY of the week. Eh soda is kinda good sometimes and refreshing but like a whole can is way too much
  • Then we headed to the santa cruz boardwalk. I first had to drop some stuff at my dorm cuz i stashed like 4 electrolyte cans or wahtever and like 3 apples from the garden that they were giving way and theres no way im carrying around that heavy bag to the boardwalk for 3 hours
  • So then we waited at the bus station and there was like SOOOOO many other people waiting there too. We had to wait like 3-4 buses which was like 20 minutes before we finally got to the front of line and ended up on a bus. The buses were so crowded and packed because of this frolic. Oh yeah, i never explained this. They rented out the whole boardwalk for ucsc, we pay 15 dollars for like unlimited access to all the rides and stuff and like a $10 playcard too, its pretty cool, except that like everyone from the school is going and so all these lines are CRAZY. 
  • After we got off the bus which took so much dedication to even accomplish because we were at the bus stop for so long, we were walking down the line and MAN THAT LINE IS SO LONg. We waited for 30 minutes literally 30 mintues before taking a glance down and seeing that like we barely made ANY progress. At this time austin and matthew came over too from their nap lmao, THATS how long we were waiting. So then we decided to cut the line and it was so easy, u legit just go to the front lmao
  • And just like that we were finally in. We walked around for a while, went on go-kart and some rides that were honeslty pretty fun. This one gravity one made me soooo dizzy but it was also fun. Then we ate some stuff, we split up where some of them got burgers or chicken tenders but me matthew and arian went to get those potato skewer things. These werent that good but its hard to mess them up so yea. 
  • Overall pretty fun experience for my first time at the santa cruz boardwalk, and definitely not the last considering im going to school here.
  • We then took a bus back home which was ANOTHER line but this one went pretty fast because there were tons of buses coming in frequently. And also, when we took the bus out of campus to the boardwalk, lots of the times the buses were already filled with tons of people from previous bus stops on campus
  • Shower + fooling around with foolmates and bombing them or whatever + talking = nightnight

a DAY diary


  1. Wow! So many activities! But earbuds for you, I am not mad, I did the same thing.


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