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My first day of college | DAY

  Today, Friday, 9/22/23, I moved into college.

We woke up at like 8 AM and drove to San Jose to get breakfast at google cuz my sister works there lol so yea free food we take that. the food was pretty fire, these blueberry pancake things were super good and so were the staple pan au chaogloate however u spell that in french or whtaever. Then the smoothies are always so good man, though this time it was avocado ginger smoothie which was kinda mid. 

Then yea we drove down to Santa Cruz, I haven't driven down there in a while and honestly it's not that stressful of a drive for me, lowkey some of those cheeky highways branching off of berkeley are pretty stressful and shaky to drive in.

Anyway I would say comfortably that we literally like didnt bring much. My mom stuffed a good majority of things in this big red suitcase and outside of that we had some other boxes and stuff, but like we fit it all in the trunk and frunk of a tesla. We didn't even use any part of the backseat of the car or the ground of the backseat of the car or anything bruh. We didn't even need a dolly or whatever wheelie rolly cart things to transport our stuff cuz the four of us got everything in one trip. Idk why like I'm writing this in a flexing tone lmao but like that stuff is fire. Obviously, one of my roommates is bringing a minifridge and microwave and their MONITOR so like you can't avoid that but we had it super easy. We took like total like 20-30 min scraps setting up the bed and unpacking things and like lowkey we were done. 

So yea it wasn't that hectic, we walked back to the car and i said my goodbyes and MAN i was trying so hard not to cry that i legit just cuoldnt contain it. If no one was around me I wouldve been sobbing but like I was restraining it rly hard. I had some tears but nothing audibly loud like man dude i was trying so hard not to cry. Just saying bye to my family like that. It's not really the thought of like "i wont see my parents for a long time" but more of like moving on to this next stage of my life. It's like this moment when it fully hit me. All of my 4 months its been so happy like jjst my life style of going to the gym and coming home with like nothing on my mind to do really. And then just being around my family and especially my sister man like these times have just been so fun and just some experiences that are so hard for me to let go of. Its really all ending, and its just maybe bittersweet, but sad.

but yea after that my roommates were still setting up and unpacking cuz some of them brought so much stuff and i was just like helping them with things and also organizing my clothes and shelves nicely during this time. We did this until like 2:30 pm or something.

Then after that, me and jackson walked around cuz the cafeteria closed for a while since it was like 3pm at this point, then we went back and ate like a small snack of these crossaint pan au chocaolat thing and we continued soodling and 

anyway, we then headed to our welcome dinner slot at 4:45 pm where there was some random ice breaker circle and then we ate dinner and this was like our first formal event of meeitng ppl. During dinner i met these three kids, raymon, austin, and matthew, that i get along with super well, and turn to find out our rooms are like right next to each other.

So yea I met those kids, we ate dinner which in my opinion was pretty solid. Ppl didnt really like the pizza but I thought it was some good high quality healthy stuff bruh.

LIke sure yeah that might look nasty but its pretty good. THe sauce is kinda bad but like idk something about it hit me. Bro i didnt take like any photos or vids of the cafeteria, but its pretty solid. Apparently the cafeteria near us is one of like the best on campus. I could see myself getting stale to the food but ill take it bro. I griefed some bananas back to my dorm cuz theyre nice to eat when ure hungry

then after that we had some event at like 9 pm, so thats a lot of time so i headed to the gym myself. There, I first checked out the indoor gym, and saw that they ONLY HVAE ONE COURT. I asked some guy on the sideline if theres more courts and he said that theres more on the west side gym. There's two gyms on campus, i went to east, and the west side has like 2 courts or something and thats where all the athletes go. But yea so I just headed to the outdoor courts instead and rented out an outdoorbasketball and shot around. This guy named tejas pulled up and was shooting around too so I asked him to 1v1 and thats how u meet ppl bro. The outdoor court is pretty bad, like the rims are so concrete, the ground is slanted, and also its super rough, i feel like its bad for my basketball shoes. Either way, we then played 2v2 with these upperclassmen that were at the courts too afterwards and we talked for a while about like life and stuff. They were super nice, its honestly crazy how nice and open they were to us. They just told us about like tips on how to make friends, what we should do, things about like professors and classes, and like taking routes and shortcuts. super fun tiems, and i walked back with tejas cuz turns out hes also from john r lewis.

So then after that we went to the loteria event for John r Lewis and College 9 at 9pm where we basically played bingo. The first couple of rounds i didnt rly have a chance but like this one round i was 2 away and I was mad stressing then SOME DOUCHEBAG GETS UP AND GRIEFS THE ENTIRE FKING GAME. LITERALLY USUALLY 10 PPL WOULD WINA T ONCE BUT THIS GUY MESSED UP ALL OF OUR PROGRESS JUST FOR ONE PRIZE THATS NOT VERY EFFICIENT LMAo but anyway i ended up winning after that cuz ton of kids left and there was like 20-30 of us left. We got some lanyards and a sticker and umbrellas for winning and yea that lasted until like 10:30

After that, we headed back to the dorm, and then tejas asked to come over so i said yes and he came over and met my roommates and we played rocket league and talked abotu stuff. thats actually, while we were talking, when i found out my other roommate from foothill was actually IRANIAN bro i thoguht he was indian the entire time. Now it kinda makes sense cuz his parents did look iranian. He legit like moved from iran to america when he was 13, and he speaks farsi and all of that, its honestly pretty cool.

But yeah, tejas left at like 12:00 or something and i went to take a shower and we dipped out, turned off the lights at like 12:45 AM, and went to bed. Nothing rly complicated. The shower was pretty nice and I was the only one there. We have 2 bathrooms on our floor, each of them have 4 showers. And both of them are gender neutral which was very confusing at first. It's quite interesting, never experienced this before

So that was my first day of college. 


a DAY diary. 



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