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 Tetouan Morocco, Chefchaouen Morocco, Tetouan Morocco

 - Woke up at around 8:30 AM, we took a cab to our classroom where we would have class. Basically camilo just lectured about the old medina in Tetouan and how it's a unesco world heritage site.

 - After class we went on a bus and we have a daytrip to chefchaouen, a tourist town on a hill

 - Along the way we stopped in a rural farm where we talked to the family and they hosted us for lunch. It was a really cool experience, it was so cool seeing that at the end of the day its just another farm, every country operates this sort of rural farm dynamic the same. Except here they have some of their own Morocco ways like the food they eat, but its honestly really cool to be able to experience the other aspects of Morocco and all that, like I really have a lot to say and I feel so bad for doing this but I really have to sleep right now its like 2:55 AM so I will skip my reflection from this mostly, i really liked their hospitality and the food and the tea, so cool. This is why we study abroad, to learn about these things.

 - Then after lunch we drove to chefchaouen, we did a tour of the city, there was a ton of blue everywhere. They have blue paint because apparently theres a myth that it repels mosquitos, but also cuz white is blinding everywhere so they add blue to make it more pleasant or something. Also in general it's just so beautiful, I love it. Otherwise There's a mountain in the background of the city and it reminds me of sardegna.

 - Then we had like 1 hr of free time where we went to the market and we found a store where they sell jerseys and I bought two jerseys, one red hakimi morocco one, and another casablanca white club jersey that looks cool. THey were each 10 dollars converted, really wanted to buy morocco jerseys here so I was very happy. Markets here were overall a bit overpriced too because it was so touristy. 

 - Then we drove back basically, chefchaoun is around like 1 hr away, a bit more, so yea that was the day, really fun day honestly i loved everything, it was very hot in chefchaoun, I have a lot more to talk about but like I really need to sleep and I kinda don't wanna write this.

 - Ate homestay dinner at like 12 AM, will talk about homestay in the 7/15 post. I am running on 4 hrs of sleep and I'm about to get like 5 today or something this is not good this blog post is a mess oh well!


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