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 granada spain

 - woke up at 10 am ate toast with not butter but jam this time, then me and ian took the metro to nevada shopping center. The metro was pretty cool and it was clean. The shopping mall was super big, we didn't even get to explore it all cuz we got there at like 11:40 or something and we had to leave at like 2:10 to get back to the homestay for lunch at 3pm. It's really big there's a lot left to explore and there's even an ikea in there. i bought a bag of the chips for 2 euros there.

 - ate lunch at 3pm (not gonna lie it was kinda bad today, the meat was just like dry)

 - then we chilled i did some duolingo and we left at like 5:30 to meet up with a friend adam to go to a bar to watch the spain vs. germany game at 6 pm. We went inside this guiness bar like an irish bar and there were SOOOO many people it was so hot so we went out and looked at other places and we found one outdoors that was pretty good and we watched the game

 - First half was rly bad, no one scored. But the second half Spain scored and that was super good but after they scored they just seemed kinda stressed and they gave Germany A LOT OF good looks. Germany had like 2 really open looks but missed both of them, then in like the 84th minute or something they have this crazy header tap back into a goal like what a beautiful play but how do they set that up and miss the most open looks. So it was 1-1 and it went to extra time.

 - In extra time there was a very obvious handball from spain and THEY DIDNT CALL it because maybe he was avoiding the ball or something ?? If I was a germany fam i would be so mad, but anyway it was the 119th minute and i was losing hope, getting ready for penalty kicks, but they were setting up a play and i see the ball get crossed towardst he goal and then i see a header AND THEN THE BALL GOES IN AND EVERYONE GOES CRAZYYYYYYY OMGGGGG

 - SO WITH 4 MINUTES OF ADDITIONAL TIME germany almost scored one time and like the refs wouldnt stop the game like literally it was 4:30 and they didnt stop it they let germany take it down and then a spain player got a red card which was deserved cuz that spain player literally assaulted the german LMAO he clocked him in the neck but anyway they shouldve ended the game 2 minutes ago but the game ends and SPAIN WINSSS WE ADVANCE TO THE SEMI FINALS

 - After the game we went back and it was already like 8:55 my homestay dad is super happy and we eat dinner which is ham and potatoes and cheese it was okay and we watch the france vs. portugal game which was 0-0 the entire game, france hit the crossbar on one of their attempts which was so close to going in and ronaldo played so bad he is so washed. And he went out kinda sad in the penalty kicks, imagine losing like that and ending off the euros like that. That must suck, but Ronaldo played so bad I don't feel too bad for him.

 - And then the rest is nighttime routine stuff here I am going to bed ok bye 

I think some photos did backup but no videos, idk why ill look into it tmrw if i remember i need to actually figure out the photos lma oh ALSO WHILE WATCHING THE GAME THIS HUGE GRASSHOPER LANDED ON MY SHOULDER OH MY GOD. THAT THING FREAKED ME OUT I SWIPED THAT SHT ON THE CHAIR AND LITERALLY IM SO TRAUMATIZED IVE NEVER SEEN A GRASSHOPPER THAT BIG BEFORE. And then this German lady nearby was like laughing and just nonchalantly poked that big thing away and it flew away like how are you not scared of that. Like I've seen praying mantis before and I'm ok but dude that grasshopper was so big. I will attach the photo of the grasshopper in a separate photo album so if you odn't want to see it then you don't. Because it is so big.

photo album (theres so many photos that didnt even back up)

grashopper photos


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