Today I woke up at 8 AM in Lao Yi jia, then us three went out to a meng can (mongolian restaurant) to have breakfast and we got yogurt and the bread and nai cha and also hong tang bin and it was very good there were so many decorations everywhere and stuff
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Then me and my mom took a bus to lao ye jia and me, da jie, da yi, and mom talked with lao ye for a while, we even went on a walk and saw lao ye ride his bike thing and me and da jie went to a small chao chang too. Then we ate lunch there at lao ye jia it was solid.
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Afterwards, me and mom took a cab to mo er cheng where we were going to meet up with an a yi, one of san lao jin's nieces. So we walked around for like 5 min before deciding it was more convenient to meet at wanda so we walked there which was fairly far away and it was super sunny and my mom was super tired but we made it and we bought iced coffee and we went to 8ljg's dress store where she makes and sells children's dresses and it was really nice and clean and we talked for a while and then soon the a yi came and we met up.
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They drove us to a coffee store near the xiao hei he (little black river) and it was really nice we talked for like 2+ hours and then we walked around the river and the newly built up restaurants, they said that at night time the water shows on the river are really popular. Hu Shi has really been insanely cleaner from when I last visited and insanely more rich, I asked one of them why and they said that these past 2 years it's been pretty much booming in Hu SHi, from a variety of reasons but Jay Chou going to hold like 3 concerts there kickstarted things a bit and ever since that a ton of artists have been coming to Hu Shi to hold concerts, reminded me of Taylor Swift effect. IMAGINE TAYLOR SWIFT IN HU SHI
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Then at this point it was like 6:30 pm or something and they drove us to a restaurant where we met up with na na, yi he, da yi, da jie to eat dinner. Dinner was really nice it was good there was this like glazed chicken thing along with the dumplings and zhu rou and this spicy numbing black noodle dish.
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And with that dinner which was also quite long and filled with lots of conversations and speeches and tears about family and stuff we took a cab back to da yi jia where i didnt have my contact lens case or my cera ve so i had to kinda bullsht it it through the night but it wasnt that bad i just threw away my contact lens. We went to sleep around 10:30 PM. A very hectic day where we were just quite literally everywhere in the city. I wanted to go to 2lj jia and see dou sha and guo guo but we didnt even have time to do that. I also really wanted to explore mo er cheng and wanda but we had literally no time. Some other day I guess.
a DAY diary
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