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China 2024 8/23

Today i woke up at 830 am then me and da jie went down and ate breakfast, i got a suan mei drink, a zi m qiu, and a bin thing with jiang. 

[todo photo]

Then we went back and we took a cab to lao ye jia, we talked and stuff and my mom came in later because she woke up at 6 am or something to meet up with a friend. Then the afternoon we went to lao lao jia and rested a bit, charged my phone, and i did a little bit of work. Then we were off to mo er cheng to explore fully and me and nana went off to look around, everything here was about the same price as in the usa tbh, there were a couple of cool things but i didnt end up buying anything. We ended up in the second to top floor with the ice rink and arcade and na na ended up spending 100 ren min bi on me in there for 300 coins and yi he joined me later though he didnt play much he just watched. I spent a bit in the basketball place just griefing the balls and shooting trickshots it was satisfying im always lowkey deficient in basketball on these trips but anyway we ended up spending all the coins on the prize claw machines. The small prize machines at 3 coins each and the big one is 4 coins each, i pretty much just spent it on like all the machines, but i ended up getting one of the small ones when i was like 60 coins deep or something and i was like stunned for a sec like HOLY COW. Then I just kept trying random ones, i focused on this cat one to give to da jie and i ended up cluthcing it. This thing is just all luck there's not much trick other than maybe focusing on the head or the body depending on which side is heavier. Some people can fleece it by like tipping it on the edge or something but I got mine just by being lucky and having it not drop when going up for some random reason. It's legit all luck, then I won my THIRD ONE in one of the poking machines where it's all about timing and slotting the key in the hole. I had my eyes on that in the beginning because I rly wanted the panda prize and i ended up developing a strategy where I would line up my eyes with the center of the pole and time it when it met the tag. I also thought about legit making a timer and binarysearching for a time slot lmao but i ended up getting lucky with my first approach. So to end up wiht 3 prizes out of like 14 dollars or whatever is honestly super good. Around 80-100 total attempts on prize claw machines and the poke machines and ended up with 3 successed, so like a 3% success rate or whatever. Honestly I think I just got rly lucky. 

[todo photo]

Then afterwards we walked and went to eat dinner where we waited quite a long time and mom showed her rather fierce side thats a story for another time but lets just say we were warmly greeted after waiting with some yogurt and stuff for free. The food was very good it was actually so good it felt super healthy too in a very satisfying filling way it was a you mian restaurant thats quite famous hence all the waiting but they were capping when they said the wait time was 30 min but anyway this was our last dinner with da jie and da yi before they take a train to su zhou the next morning so we said our goodbyes and left after the cab ride back. 

Me and my mom took to lao yi jia where i lie here on the table writing this blog post and mom is yapping again with lao yi in the same position hahah we are sleeping here again goodbye da yi and da jie, da jie was literally my sister this first week she did so much for me and took out so much time to take me places really, it made me pretty gan dong. 


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