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China 2024 8/24

 Today i have the entire day with lao yi and i was very excited because lao yi is so funny and she is such a character. She always cao xing and kept telling me to "duo jia rou!" whenever i would get the you mian. She also averages at least 10 "aiya shai de!!" a day its so funny.

So i woke up at like 8:30 AM, my mom soon left to spend the day with lao ye and lao lao and leave me here. Me and lao yi first walked to eat SHAO MAI for breakfast just normally and there were so many ppl there too ig its normal to just eat a ton of shao mai for breakfast but anyway lao yi ordered 16 and WE SOMEHOW FINISHED IT. I ate like 8 or 9 so lao yi actually like carried like i didnt expect that performance from lao yi. Thats a bubble tj warren breakout game right there. 

Anyway we walked back and 5jj and you you soon came to pick us up. We then spent the morning and lunch all the way until like 3 pm or something at this theme park:

It was very far away fro hushi, it was like 20 km away and a fairly long drive thru lots of rural areas. This was literally just some farmland you can tell but they just built this big theme park with a big ferris wheel and village and random rivers and boats and trains and rides, it felt really random and out of place to be honest, cuz the surrounding areas were literally fairly poor and rural and farmland. They just chose some random place that has space ig, but anyway it was really fun, you you is a lot of fun she reminds me of my sister she talks so fast and has this funny attitude she was roasting 5jj so much. I asked her what her favorite animal is and she said cats so i asked her if she likes pigs and she said "yes, because my dad is one" lmao we went on the ferris wheel, a bunch of rides, had lunch at a nice place, and walked a lot, and overall it was so fun honestly there was this small arch bridge that was a sldie and we played on it a lot. Huhu jiu jiu acts like a kid a lot and so do I so we got along very well we were sliding and running up on the slide it was very fun and lao yi was watching and walkingn with us. 

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Then when we got back lao yi took a nap, i did some blogging and work, and she woke up at around 5 pm and we went out to get a haircut just outside, and along the way we were walking, dou sha came up to us cuz they live in the same complex. We didn't even see her but she was playing with her friends on this saturday. Qiqi also came later and i gotta tell you IM SO GLAD I WAITED TILL CHINA to get this haircut because for 38 ren min bi which is like around 5 usd, they washed my hair, did the haircut, and washed my hair again and put like shampoo or idk what they put it was so so comfortable and clean and there were just no hair scraps anywhere it was so good. On the way back we went to watch dou sha play with his friends and she is so cute they were just running around and stuff she was carrying a water bottle and lao yi kept getting mad at her for holding a water bottle it was so funny she kept bringing it up but anyway we headed back, i took a shower, and i packed my bag to get ready to eat dinner and go back to lao lao jia to meet up with mom and sleep there. While eating dinner mom called me on wechat saying that i can just stay here and so that was good that sounds like a good plan. Anywya dinner was dou jiao, dumplings, eggplant thing, and rice. The "fast food" here is so good man i love chinese food so much like literally everywhere the food is so good idk what type of oil they put on these vegetables but it made me reaalize that americans are so horrible at cooking vegetables. I also put la jiao in my bowl and it was so good.

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After dinner we stopped by a store to buy water and lao yi picked out a case of water and I HAD SOME GODLY EXECUTION because i speedwalked to the counter and pulled out my 20 SILKLY SMOOTH and checked out and by the time lao yi realized it was too late I FINALLY GOT TO PAY FOR SOMETHING. In my haircut I was fast but lao yi got so mad but i still kept trying for 2 minutes i couldnt get it done. 

We got back at 7:53 PM exactly and i remember that because this was perfect timing to do the atcoder ABC contest. I normally don't do them because its like 4 AM in america but here is good timezone.

I got rank 1800 overall and 20 in America which i didnt realize that this few americans do atcoder but I ended up clutching problem F by lying down on lao yi's sofa and realizing that u just reduce it to nim. Game theory problems are kinda scary cuz for me if i cant reduce it to nim then i cant rly solve it cuz its just so hard to wrap my head around. I dont even understand how nim works i just use the theorem. If i fully understood it maybe i would have a shot at other game theory problems. But anyway I got lucky with that, but i literally had a bug because my code didnt pass samples because i forgot to comment out a print debug line which is rly dumb but its my first atcoder contest so ig i wont do it again. 

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