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China 2024 8/28

 today was pretty fun i spent the entire day with lao yi, where i woke up at like 8 AM and ate a yue bin, some jian ji dan, and a bowl of hot milk, the yue bin was rly good especially the hong tang one, i had half of the hong tang and half of the bai tang and the hong tang clears by MILES. Anyway then huhu jiu jiu picked us up and we spent the morning in a museum in hohhot where they showed us the forests, grasslands, and deserts of inner mongolia with the habitats, species, etc. Then there were a ton of things about caves and volcanoes and gems and crystals and a ton about dinosarus too. I didn't know that inner mongolia was known for the dinosaurs, apparently there was a big presence here and stuff and discoveries and stuff but they were all like fake displays which was kinda boring it would be cooler going to some natural habitat and seeing stuff. That's kinda like depth vs. breadth and quality vs. quantity tho, i got a ton of quantity of iner mongolia in the museum, it was def cool and worth the time. I took a lot of videos and stuff but anyway after taht 5lj drove us to a mall near lao yi's home and we had lunch at this place that was kinda cool it was good too like i said this chinese food is so good i knew once i saw the dou jiao i had to cop cuz idk what drug they put in there ITS SOMEHOW GAS anyway me and lao yi then walked back and lao yi took a nap and halfway thru qi qi knocked on the door and we played xiang qi, i won the first game which i wasnt expecting and during the second game lao yi woke up and wanted us to eat watermelon so bad but we were literally mid-game and we told her after this game and she got impatient and started watching and i was taking so long to think so lao yi got mad AND THEN LITERALLY SWIPED ALL THE PIECES ON THE BOARD AND ME AND QIQI ARE LIKE ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW AND SHE JUST KEEPS LOOKING AT US AND IS LIKE "KUAI CHI!" BRUH WE WERE LITERALLY IN THE END GAME I WAS UP A HORSE I THINK I HAD IT IN THE BAG BRO LAO YI IS LITERALLY SO FUNNY SHE DOES NOT CARE. 

So after that mishap i told her it was too sunny to out and we shoudl wait a bit more so she swiped the pieces for nothing and me and qi qi then played this connect 5 game on a board and then we played go after that and I WAS GETTING CLAPPED, i gotta say that connect 5 game is pretty fun. Go literally uses so much brainpower i almost got a headache theres so much going on and you have to worry about offense and defense and like so much stuff but its fun and time flew by rly fast.

So then me and qi qi and lao yi went out to some guang chang and walked around, we spent a while in taht big supermarket and bought some stuff, i bought some chips to bring back for my friends and also got a tuo xie cuz they are so cheap here and i might need one for my dorm. I managed to pay for the tuo xie myself which took a lot of energy and arguing when checking out i had to be a top tier bodyblocker when she was trying to scan her card IM TELLING U THE COWBOYS NEED TO SIGN ME but anyway after that we walked back and it was like 6:30 pm or something. Oh yeah I forgot to mention bro when we were walking to the guang chang there was a kid playing next to a tree on the sidewalk and he was near the edge so lao yi stops and goes like "dont play near the edge, play on this side!" and i look up AND THIS KIDS DAD IS RIGHT THERE BRO lao yi literally is cao xing'ing over some random kid playing on the sidewalk and its not even that bad AND HIS DADS LITERALLY THERE WATCHING LMAO THATS SO AWKWARD, qiqi was like "lao yi ni tai cao xing le" and i was just like dying lmao it was so funny his dad was literally right there she couldve just told his dad but she didnt care

Anyway when we got back me and qi qi played another match of xiang qi and im ngl i was clapping cheeks imma just be real i was up like a xiang, two horses, a lot of pawns, and 1 or 2 pao's im ngl i was in my element i didnt realize how much of a correlation american chess can carry over this to. Like the tactics of defending and attacking and knowing counterattacks and ignoring attacks and discovered checks and stuff all carries over when playing xiang qi. There's just a lot more blocking going on, with the xiang, pao, and ma. The blocking def allows for lots of cheeky moves and stuff anyway qi qi prob wasnt that good so i shouldnt get ahead of myself i wanna play 2lj and see how far i can get.

Then we ate mian pian er for dinner and it was actually rly good the soup was really good and like it wasnt mushy at all, the soup was super watery and it was rly good, i also ate two pickles and im starting to like them now, they have this very strong flavor to them. Anyway qi qi left after dinner and basicaally yea here I am writing its like 9:13 PM i spent some time on offline games playing the number connect but anyway that was my day it was def very fun and memorable.

[some photos at the end]


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