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China 2024 8/29

 Today was mostly spent with mom and qiqi. I woke up at lao yi jia at around like 8 AM, ate breakfast which was yue bin, milk, and a jian ji dan. Also some mao dou but i didnt eat much cuz the bowl of milk is so filling. Then my mom picked me up and we went to lao ye jia where we did the park stroll with him which takes a while cuz we sit there and talk and its rly nice. I watched some lao tou play chinese chess and they play very fast and they laugh and talk a lot its very wholesome. I also just sat next to lao ye and mom and there was a meng gu guy that talked with us and he sand a mongolian song and it was soooo good. I learned how to say bye in mongolian which is "bai-luh-tah" and its kinda sad like theres a lot of old mongolians here speaking mongolian and this is probably the last of them, the last generation. It's sad. 

Then after the walk me and my mom left and took a bus to 2lj jia where qi qi and dou sha are, and we picked up qi qi and we took a bus to kai de mall near da yi jia and we got mcdonalds there for qi qi cuz he likes that and we went to a restaurant where me and mom ordered two yogurts and fried mushroom and you mian and man THE FRIED MUSHROOM IS SO GAS ITS SO GOOD DUDE I HAD LIKE TWO BOWLS OF PURE RICE + FRIED MUSHROOM AND I FELT LIKE I WAS IN HEAVEN OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD IT WAS SO PERFECT i also ate like 1.5 bowls of you mian and put some la jiao and MAN I LOVE CHINESE FOOD HOLY COWTHIS IS LIFE

Then we walked to da yi jia where me and mom took a shower and ate this fruit i forgot what its called but its shaped like garlic and u peel it and stuff and qi qi said he liked it even tho he didnt eat that much but prob cuz hes full from the mcdonalds but anyway we chilled for a while and then we went out and took a cab to this guo ji shang chang where its just a mall but they sell a bunch of small stuff. We spent a long time in there and we bought a ton of stuff i dont even wanna list it but ill just list it i bought a globe ball, pajama pants thats probably too big and idk why mom made me buy it like if i dont wear it that much we literally are just throwing money away but mom said that if its too big then dad can weaar it, then we bought a jumprope for yi he birthday πŸ’€ for context hes fat πŸ’€ and not even trolling when i say that bro πŸ’€ but anyway imagine doing that in america πŸ’€ this shts so funny just thinking about it πŸ’€ anyway we also boght a ton of hair clips and small toy animal things for dou sha, guo guo, and you you, and we also bought a huge 2000+ piece lego set for qi qi which felt so full circle cuz when i was little 4jj, qi qi's dad, bought me a huge remote control helicopter at moer cheng and like now im grown up and qiqi is literally the age of me back then and im ngl my mom was mad pressuring him to buy it lmao but it felt rly fulfilling cuz wow i remember at the time i was like "PLEASE DONT BUY IT SI JIU JIU" and he just really wanted to buy it for me even though I wasn't even THAT interested in it and it was so cool to have it and apparently we didnt even take it back LMAO cuz it coudlnt fit but i plaeyd with it a ton in china i remember. ANyway we also bought like a wooden salt shaker bottle thing, some slippers for lao lao, some chopsticks, some random stuff, bro we bought a ton of stuff i dont even remember im def missing stuff but it was fire. Mom also did a lot of bargaining which was quite intense LMAO she would be like "you told me 15 from the jump and now that i said im gonna buy it you say 20???" bro she is FIERCE even i was scared and i was on her side bro the employee ended up selling it to her for 12. She got MAD HEATED a ton when we were buyingt he slippers she wanted near ones that were unopened and shes like "NOW THAT I SAY IMMA BUY IT WHY U GIVINE ME THE DISPLAY ONES WHAT IS THIS SERVICE" and stuff like that and when we were buying the toy animals she's mad smart shes like "OKAY IM GONNA BUY 3 OF THEM, HOW MUCH CHEAPER ARE YOU GONNA MAKE IT NOW" and mad pressure and stuff me and qiqi was just standing there like:

I thought I was good at bargaining but when mom is in her element and speaking chinese ITS OVER WRAP IT UP.

After buying so much stuff we went to kfc where i ordered juan bing but with kfc fried chicken its so funny this is definitely stimulus diffusion they were using the chinese sauce and cucumbers and stuff. We got a nice view of the classic trian station in hohhot, it was super busy there were tons of buses loading and stuff i got a timelapse of it. 

Then after that we took a bus back to lao yi jia which is in the same qv (neighborhood) as qi qi, the bus ride was quite long i checked twitter and got a bit dizzy but anyway when we were walking back my mom was like "AI, WO WANG LE GEI DOU SHA MAI DIAN CHI DE" so she just yanked qi qi into this random pastry store and was mad pressuring qi qi to buy some random stuff and she just bought like bread and macaroons it was so funny qi qi literally was like "PLEASE WE HAVE ENOUGH FOOD AT HOME" and mom is like "PLEASE HURRY LETS JUST BUY AND LEAVE" and it was just so fun today here i am at lao yi jia where 4jj met up with us in the neighborhood. Also qiqi kept trying to pay for stuff with his 100 bill while my mom would go to her wallet and the cashier would be like "ai, ni tai xiao le, deng ni zheng qian!" it was so funny one time qiqi tried paying for something and mom just went "dont take his money, he doesnt know" lmao literally violated qi qi anyway Im writing this now in lao yi jia and imma dip soon and go to bed

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