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Showing posts from July, 2024


 Tetouan Morocco, Chefchaouen Morocco, Tetouan Morocco  - Woke up at around 8:30 AM, we took a cab to our classroom where we would have class. Basically camilo just lectured about the old medina in Tetouan and how it's a unesco world heritage site.  - After class we went on a bus and we have a daytrip to chefchaouen, a tourist town on a hill  - Along the way we stopped in a rural farm where we talked to the family and they hosted us for lunch. It was a really cool experience, it was so cool seeing that at the end of the day its just another farm, every country operates this sort of rural farm dynamic the same. Except here they have some of their own Morocco ways like the food they eat, but its honestly really cool to be able to experience the other aspects of Morocco and all that, like I really have a lot to say and I feel so bad for doing this but I really have to sleep right now its like 2:55 AM so I will skip my reflection from this mostly, i really liked their hospitality and t


 granada spain, malaga spain, manilva spain  - woke up at 8 am, ate 2 pieces of toast with butter and milk, we wrote the card and we gave it to klein and he said he didnt write anything because he doesnt know spanish💀 he literally left before us and just said goodbye to the homestay very casually and dipped forever. Anyway we gave them the nuts and the card and we hugged it was sad leaving, seriously living in the homestay was so transformative and it was an experience that money can't buy, it was just so pure every day eating with them, wtaching the news or soccer, talking to them in spanish, going to their recommendations, and just watching them cheer and smile when spain was advancing. The food we were eating was also so great and convenient and it was just so great to be able to get to know true authentic Spanish food on a daily basis. My favorite dishes that they cooked was either the paella or the pasta. I also liked the smoothies and the croquetas, they deserve honorahble m


 today i woke up at 6:40 AM to catch the 7:20 bus that goes south east to a hiking trail: You can see the yellow star there, thats the hiking trail. It was my last day in Granada and pretty much the last thing in my mind was to go to the Sierra Nevadas or do something of that nature. One of our tour guides Borja told me about this place and that it's nice and relatively short. I was going by myself since Ian said he wanted to sleep in.  Ok anyway so I was running on like a fig bar and like half of a sticky protein bar and it was just so early but it was nice because it was cool in the morning. Now the hike was very cool. It was definitely a hike I've never done before. There were like suspension bridges and really narrow parts where there were jagged rocks pointing out and you had to duck and crawl under it, it was definitely very crazy and scary. There's this big suspension bridge that goes super high above the ground and the waterfall. I captured it all on my gopro, I was


granada spain today is thursday and today is alhambra day, we visit the famous palace of granada up on the hill and the main big attraction of this city. It is huge, it's almost like a city with a ton of gardens and palaces and castles and viewpoints overlooking the rest of the city on that hill.  - woke up at 8 am ate two pieces of bread with butter and milk. Our meeting point was the alhambra ticket office at 9 am, me and ian were planning on walking or bus there  - then at like 8:25 AM or something klein goes "ALRIGHT I BOOK AN UBER IT COME IN 5 MINUTES, IF YOU WANT TO COME THEN BE DOWN IN 5 MINUTES" so then I'm just like wtf and rush everything and get down in time and make the uber lesgo.   - alhambra was very cool, i wish i could share my photos but i didnt get the time to get things sorted out, idk how to share it but i posted this on my story ian took it and i knew i had to get one after seeing those flags. It goes EU flag, andalusia flag, spain flag, and then


granada spain  - woke up at 9 am for last class of the program  - in class we talked about some random stuff and then morocco stuff and like greetings and stuff in morocco.  - after class we went back, i did some duolingo and stuff i ended up hitting like 1500xp today which might be the most ive ever done but i farmed a lot from learning french lol cuz started new language on duolingo today  - lunch was good it was a spicy soup then moroccan food, couscous + chicken + asparagus  - after lunch we walked around and went to the garden fernandez or whatever it was really cool there was a really nice pond with ducks and then we noticed BABY TURTLES and then a big turtle too. The baby turtles were literally so small about the size of a palm and there were also little fish too. Afterwards we tried out the public outdoor excercise machines and theres a chest press one where the things u push move ur seat and u end up chest pressing ur body weight or somethigna nd that was actually a good worko


 granada spain  - woke up at 9 am for class, ate two pieces of toast with butter  - class was about arabic poetry and stuff, today was tuesday so its cleaning and laundry day so we had to go back after 1 pm so we killed the time after class by just walking around  - that afternoon i ate lunch, took a nap, and then headed off to our excursion which was flamenco dance class and watching a show. lunch was okay it was like some grilled chicken cheese thing, theres prob a name for the dish but idk, then with salad and lentil bean soup thing and strawberry smoothie thing  - at 6:15 pm we walked near the area of the alhambra up to the cave places with the elevation and that area and we took a flamenco class thing where a guy just taught us a routine it was fun and we wathced a show which was fun too it was in a cave which was cool i rly like the caves cuz its like real caves its like actually in a mountain carved out hundreds of years ago  - then we came home, watched the spain vs france game


 granada spain today was monday so there was class, we woke up at 9 am, i ate two pieces of toast with butter and milk  - class was about some geography about spain and the regions and stuff and watched a video it was cool  - after class me and ian went to gelato italiano or whatever its called, our homestay host recommended it to us as the best gelato in town, it was pretty good, it's definitely a memorable experience because i got kiwi and melon and the ice cream literally tasted like kiwi and melon but like in icecream form. They had the kiwi seeds and everything, it was so strong it was basically the fruit  - Then the rest of the day we did some chilling, I basically listened to like 5 albums today for the june album reviews and I caught up on a lot, Lunch at 3 pm was ok it was salad with fried fish and a noodle soup thing and a strawberry fruit smoothie thing. Dinner was good it was sausages with fries and a little bit of salad and a yogurt. I haven't had fries in a while


 granada spain today was sunday last day of our free weekend and ian went to the beach at like 11:30 am and comes back at like 9:30 pm, i was thinking about going but its like 1 hr away bus ride and i dont even have any shoes for the beach. So heres what i did by myself after eating breakfast at 10 am  - work till 1 pm  - 1pm - 2:45pm = walk around the city, i went to return a clothing and also walked around along the way  - 3pm = lunch (mustard salad + paella + same type of cake from yesterday dinner). I ate so much paella I was so full and then I had to eat a whole piece of cake after like holy cow. The paella was really good the meat was really good and I ate a lot I was so full. We were watching the news and the bull event in Pamplona is pretty crazy.  - 4pm - 9pm = i took the subway back to the mall from two days ago, i didnt rly know what to do this afternoon by myself and i looked at the sierra nevadas national park and its not that good its for like skiing and stuff so like i w


      granada spain  - woke up at 10 am, ate 2 pc toast with butter and milk  - felt lazy so we just did like nothing till like 12:30 pm, i did a bit of work and duolingo but also youtube  - then at 12:30 pm we went out to walk around, we were planning on walking south to see the museum if we didnt see anything but ian went to a soccer jersey store where we scouted out during the first couple of days and said he made up his mind and bought his jersey. When I was there I found something ir eally liked too and its really unique so i bought one too for 60 euros i was tweaking out for like 10 min on whether i should buy it but like its a jersey and the quality good and its super unique and awlerhwaerhwarwrwr i am happy with it i def like it  - then we ate lunch at 3 pm (soup, pasta, strawberry juice smoothie thing) it was really good. This was the first time the soup was actually good like wow that soup was pretty good, and the pasta with chicken and beans was pretty good too. I added some


 granada spain  - woke up at 10 am ate toast with not butter but jam this time, then me and ian took the metro to nevada shopping center. The metro was pretty cool and it was clean. The shopping mall was super big, we didn't even get to explore it all cuz we got there at like 11:40 or something and we had to leave at like 2:10 to get back to the homestay for lunch at 3pm. It's really big there's a lot left to explore and there's even an ikea in there. i bought a bag of the chips for 2 euros there.  - ate lunch at 3pm (not gonna lie it was kinda bad today, the meat was just like dry)  - then we chilled i did some duolingo and we left at like 5:30 to meet up with a friend adam to go to a bar to watch the spain vs. germany game at 6 pm. We went inside this guiness bar like an irish bar and there were SOOOO many people it was so hot so we went out and looked at other places and we found one outdoors that was pretty good and we watched the game  - First half was rly bad, no


 granada, spain today was july 4th and i am in spain but i still feel like theres no aura cuz i dont see like anything on twitter besides the kai cenat mr beast stream. anyway,  - woke up 7:50 AM ate breakfast (two pieces toast with butter, milk)  - 9AM - 11:30 AM = excursion where we went towards the ahambra and towards the old district city and the air bnb where i stayed in with my family. its quite different from the center of the city that i live in, its super hilly and all the shops are super traditional and stuff. There's no big streets and the architecture gets older and more ancient. Cool excursion anyway we went up to the old district and it was pretty cool there were lots of businesses and many viewpoints and we went in this cave thing and there were rly cute cats.  - 12 PM - 3PM = after we walked around for a bit before dispersing and i went back to the homestay while ian went to get coffee and i did some blogging and work. I also took a nap for like 20 minutes since i d


  today is wednesday and i woke up at 8:50 ate breakfast (2 pieces of toast with mantequilla) and went to class  today borja did guess lecture from 11:30-12:30 or something like that  - after lecture i went back to homestay, chilled for 20 min, then went out and walked around and i bought two shirts, one of them was 5 euros and the other one was 7 euros so BAAAANNNGGG that store was so cheap they were selling hoodies for like 9 euros but the inside was kinda bad it was not good hoodie texture if i can explain it  - then i came back and ate lunch (some french soup thing, steak + potatoes, fruit bowl) while watching the news  - then i chilled for like 30 min, then i went out by myself this time to go look for somewhere to do work because ian was taking a nap and i couldnt turn on the big light, so i went to the library of granada which google maps said was open but it was closed, but it was still a cool walk. So then I went to a coffee shop that was pretty solid, i didnt know if i could


  Here is my first day diary, i'm not gonna format this post or anything because it is 12:20 AM and i have to wake up in like 8 hours granada spain 7/2  - woke up 8:55 AM  - ate breakfast (toast with butter and milk)  - 10 - 12:30 = went to class (camilo just yapped about some stuff, i was thinking about two codeforces problems and i also wrote down every city i could think of in the americas)  - today is tuesday so the homestay family is cleaning the house and doing laundry and stuff so we were told to come back after 1 pm  - so me and ian killed that time by walking around, we walked down this street with a lot of thrift stores which was cool, i didnt buy anything and by the time we got back it was like 2 pm  - ate lunch at 3 pm, the soup was ok and the pasta and porkchops were solid. We also got a sorbet smoothie thing which was pretty cool. Watched the news while eating  - 3:30 - 5:50 pm i stayed here in the homestay to do some work  - 6pm - 8pm = ceramics event thing which was