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Showing posts from August, 2024

China 2024 8/30

 What a super duper long day this night we picked up my dad dong. 2 weeks have officially past and we have 1 week left which is so sad, this last week is prob gonna be very hectic and there will prob be days where i hvae to delay blog posts and stuff. I started off waking up at 8 AM in lao yi jia, i ate breakfast at hua xiang place i ate a xiar bin, you tiao and a pear juice thing. Lao yi also ate a su xiar bin, and a zhou. Then we took a cab to lao lao jia where we met up with mom and didnt spend long there. Me and mom soon left and took the bus to lao ye jia where we talked for a while in the park and the mongolian guy that sings was there again hes there every day just like lao ye and lao ye has friends at the park but anyway the mongolian guy sang another 2 songs and it was super good he started attracting a small crowd too.  Then me and mom took a cab to this huge guang chang mall where we met up with yi he cuz its yi he's birthday and before we get into that we need to take a

China 2024 8/29

 Today was mostly spent with mom and qiqi. I woke up at lao yi jia at around like 8 AM, ate breakfast which was yue bin, milk, and a jian ji dan. Also some mao dou but i didnt eat much cuz the bowl of milk is so filling. Then my mom picked me up and we went to lao ye jia where we did the park stroll with him which takes a while cuz we sit there and talk and its rly nice. I watched some lao tou play chinese chess and they play very fast and they laugh and talk a lot its very wholesome. I also just sat next to lao ye and mom and there was a meng gu guy that talked with us and he sand a mongolian song and it was soooo good. I learned how to say bye in mongolian which is "bai-luh-tah" and its kinda sad like theres a lot of old mongolians here speaking mongolian and this is probably the last of them, the last generation. It's sad.  Then after the walk me and my mom left and took a bus to 2lj jia where qi qi and dou sha are, and we picked up qi qi and we took a bus to kai de ma

China 2024 8/28

 today was pretty fun i spent the entire day with lao yi, where i woke up at like 8 AM and ate a yue bin, some jian ji dan, and a bowl of hot milk, the yue bin was rly good especially the hong tang one, i had half of the hong tang and half of the bai tang and the hong tang clears by MILES. Anyway then huhu jiu jiu picked us up and we spent the morning in a museum in hohhot where they showed us the forests, grasslands, and deserts of inner mongolia with the habitats, species, etc. Then there were a ton of things about caves and volcanoes and gems and crystals and a ton about dinosarus too. I didn't know that inner mongolia was known for the dinosaurs, apparently there was a big presence here and stuff and discoveries and stuff but they were all like fake displays which was kinda boring it would be cooler going to some natural habitat and seeing stuff. That's kinda like depth vs. breadth and quality vs. quantity tho, i got a ton of quantity of iner mongolia in the museum, it was

China 2024 8/27

today we woke up ate breakfast at that place i forgot the name i keep forgetting but it was good we got a zhu zhu man tou in anticipation and mom was being mean threatening to eat it but we ate it anyway [photo] then 3ljg and a bunch of 3lj friends and lao yi and kang jun yi and his mei mei came and we drove like 45 minutes to a nong cun and it was super fun. Me and kang jun yi and his toy car were everywhere on the river, they took us to look at the pig, and we drove the car thru the river i didnt think it could do that. His remote control car is super bulky and the tires are super big and stuff and it navigated that rocky terrain very well and was able to steer rly well in the water, it only occasionally got stuck. he was so hyped about it it was fun, but that kid is quite loud and everything i wont get into it he is a character ive never heard someone say as many out of pocket things as him it was WILD LMAO. We also ate lunch there it was really nice it doesnt get fresher than that

China 2024 8/26

today was a good day i woke up at like 8 am in lao lao jia and ate breakfast which was a hong tang bei zi that gu gu bought me yesterday. Then we rested a bit before heading to lao ye jia, me mom and lao ye walked him and his tricycle to the park just like last time and we were there for quite a long tiem talking and stuff. I noticed there were a lot of these old people speaking mongolian here and my mom told me they were like the 'displaced' people from the grasslands that had to go to the city cuz of the government. Anyway after that we ate lunch there it was solid, there was cucumber liang cai, and you za gao and zhu rou.  [todo photo] After that we took the bus to da yi jia where we took a shower and vibed until like 4 pm, then we took a bus where my mom dropped me off at 2lj jia and along the way WE SAW 2lj playing chinese chess with his friends and it was so funny we took photos of him and he didnt even notice he was so invested and they were like yelling and stuff and 2l

China 2024 8/25

 Today i woke up at lao yi jia at like 8:10 AM or something, laoyi made me 3 hardboiled eggs, some bread, and jiang you to dip the eggs in. She then dropped me off at laolao at like 9:30 AM, then i got ready and got picked up by yang guang and gu gu. We spent the entire day in their house, it was pretty hot. Me and yang guang first talked for a while then we ate lunch (dumplings). [photo] then we all took a nap, i slept in the floor mattress in one of the rooms and it was a really good nap. It was raining and we were planning on going to nai nai's old house in the afternoon or bike around but cuz of the rain we just all stayed in the house, i watched some bilibili videos or something: I just watched chinese media nba clips and edits and some taylor swift music videos and scrolled thru hou xian's discography too. Then we ate dinner which was solid (eggs and tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, broccoli

China 2024 8/24

 Today i have the entire day with lao yi and i was very excited because lao yi is so funny and she is such a character. She always cao xing and kept telling me to "duo jia rou!" whenever i would get the you mian. She also averages at least 10 "aiya shai de!!" a day its so funny. So i woke up at like 8:30 AM, my mom soon left to spend the day with lao ye and lao lao and leave me here. Me and lao yi first walked to eat SHAO MAI for breakfast just normally and there were so many ppl there too ig its normal to just eat a ton of shao mai for breakfast but anyway lao yi ordered 16 and WE SOMEHOW FINISHED IT. I ate like 8 or 9 so lao yi actually like carried like i didnt expect that performance from lao yi. Thats a bubble tj warren breakout game right there.  Anyway we walked back and 5jj and you you soon came to pick us up. We then spent the morning and lunch all the way until like 3 pm or something at this theme park: It was very far away fro hushi, it was like 20 km awa

China 2024 8/22

 I am writing this post on 8/23 beacuse i didnt have my computer with me that night so this will be rather brief becuase I forgot what happened. Every day is so long filled with so many activities nothing is simplistic to rememnber, but the big idea is:  - (me, mom, da jie, da yi, lao yi rented a car) Went to the cur, saw 3jj, 3jjg, their two kids, dlj, and just the gardens and everything. The big dog in the cage wasnt there anymore, there was a black tho and "e"s which is chinese for like this chicken swan thing i dont know the enlgish word but its like a chicken but like a swan but its ugly af and its big and it honks and stuff i still dont know why they have them but its cool to see ig they were lowkey scary but also cool [insert photo]  - with the rented car we dropped lao yi off and we went off to explore this grasslands place mainly for horse riding but there were llamas, camels a huge mongolian-bao shaped building, but most importantly calm scenery. My mom was like &qu

China 2024 8/23

Today i woke up at 830 am then me and da jie went down and ate breakfast, i got a suan mei drink, a zi m qiu, and a bin thing with jiang.  [todo photo] Then we went back and we took a cab to lao ye jia, we talked and stuff and my mom came in later because she woke up at 6 am or something to meet up with a friend. Then the afternoon we went to lao lao jia and rested a bit, charged my phone, and i did a little bit of work. Then we were off to mo er cheng to explore fully and me and nana went off to look around, everything here was about the same price as in the usa tbh, there were a couple of cool things but i didnt end up buying anything. We ended up in the second to top floor with the ice rink and arcade and na na ended up spending 100 ren min bi on me in there for 300 coins and yi he joined me later though he didnt play much he just watched. I spent a bit in the basketball place just griefing the balls and shooting trickshots it was satisfying im always lowkey deficient in basketball

China 2024 8/21

   Today I woke up at 8 AM in Lao Yi jia, then us three went out to a meng can (mongolian restaurant) to have breakfast and we got yogurt and the bread and nai cha and also hong tang bin and it was very good there were so many decorations everywhere and stuff [todo add photo] Then me and my mom took a bus to lao ye jia and me, da jie, da yi, and mom talked with lao ye for a while, we even went on a walk and saw lao ye ride his bike thing and me and da jie went to a small chao chang too. Then we ate lunch there at lao ye jia it was solid.  [todo add photo] Afterwards, me and mom took a cab to mo er cheng where we were going to meet up with an a yi, one of san lao jin's nieces. So we walked around for like 5 min before deciding it was more convenient to meet at wanda so we walked there which was fairly far away and it was super sunny and my mom was super tired but we made it and we bought iced coffee and we went to 8ljg's dress store where she makes and sells children's dress

China 2024 8/20

  - we slept at da yi's apartment, i woke up at like 6:50 AM cuz of jetlag still and we went to eat breakfast just downstairs, it was rly good, the dou jiang, you bier, bao zi, and also this other thing that i forgot the name of but i took a nice 5x timelapse of them making it.  - then we took a walk around the complex its very big  - then we went back to the apartment, we packed our bags, and me and my mom got a cab to take us to lao lao's apartment. we put some stuff down and got some stuff ready and then we were off to take a cab to goo goo's apartment. We talked for a very long time and ate lunch at a shao mai place nearby and talked for a very long time about a very lot of things  - then me and my mom were walking back to lao lao jia when it like suddenly started to rain like a lot, it was storming, so we were like bruh but there was a cab right there which was convenient so we took a cab the rest of the way back  - then we spent around 2 hrs in lao lao jia before leav

CHINA 2024 Aug 15-19

  After  6+ years  due to COVID and just life-responsibilities I guess, my mom and I are finally returning to china, to hohhot, inner mongolia. We go for three weeks and my dad joins us on that last week. My sister can't come cuz shes doing some phd research or something sweaty but anyway that sucks but anyway no it doesnt we dont like her but anyway man we havent seen our family in so long. Last year especially I had this almost dying urge to want to come back to china, I just want to see all my uncles, all my cousins, all the moments, and to see my grandma...they're getting old. It's just been so long I missed them and I feel like I lost myself, this is where my mom and my dad grew up and I want to return for the sake of returning, I have so many memories all those times I went when I was little, and now I'm all grown up, I've changed and I want to see it all and see them all again. I have to. Although I am literally like 5 days late, here will be daily diary entr