What a super duper long day this night we picked up my dad dong. 2 weeks have officially past and we have 1 week left which is so sad, this last week is prob gonna be very hectic and there will prob be days where i hvae to delay blog posts and stuff. I started off waking up at 8 AM in lao yi jia, i ate breakfast at hua xiang place i ate a xiar bin, you tiao and a pear juice thing. Lao yi also ate a su xiar bin, and a zhou. Then we took a cab to lao lao jia where we met up with mom and didnt spend long there. Me and mom soon left and took the bus to lao ye jia where we talked for a while in the park and the mongolian guy that sings was there again hes there every day just like lao ye and lao ye has friends at the park but anyway the mongolian guy sang another 2 songs and it was super good he started attracting a small crowd too. Then me and mom took a cab to this huge guang chang mall where we met up with yi he cuz its yi he's birthday and before we get into that we need to t...